A loan helped to procure essential farm inputs like fertilizer, high-quality seeds, and necessary farm chemicals.

Jackline's story

Jackline, a determined smallholder farmer based in the fertile lands of Keroka, embodies the spirit of perseverance and dedication to farming. Married and with several years of hands-on experience in agriculture, Jackline tends to her farm with passion and a deep understanding of the land.

Every day, Jackline rises early to care for her crops, navigating challenges such as weather uncertainties and market variations with resilience. Her goal is not just to sustain her family but to improve their livelihood by enhancing farm productivity.

Seeking a loan to procure essential farm inputs like fertilizer, high-quality seeds, and necessary chemicals, Jackline aims to elevate her farm's yields and ensure a stable income. Her commitment to sustainable farming practices not only supports her household but also serves as a beacon of inspiration in her community. Jackline's story highlights the importance of empowering smallholder farmers like her who are pivotal in driving agricultural growth and food security

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details