A loan helped to acquire top-notch seeds, fertilizers and farm chemicals, ensuring enhanced productivity and sustainable growth.

Mildred's story

Mildred, a dedicated smallholder farmer from the vibrant agricultural community of Bungoma, epitomizes perseverance and passion for farming.

Married and equipped with several years of hands-on experience in agriculture, Mildred tends to her farm with a deep-rooted commitment to providing for her family. Every day, Mildred rises early to tend to her crops, navigating challenges like unpredictable weather and market dynamics with resilience.

Her desire to improve her farm's productivity and to ensure food security for her household drives her forward. With a loan aimed at procuring essential farm inputs such as fertilizers, quality seeds and necessary chemicals, Mildred aims to enhance her yields and to elevate her family's standard of living.

Mildred's dedication to sustainable farming practices not only sustains her family but also sets a positive example in her community. She embodies the spirit of hard work and determination that defines successful smallholder farmers, making her a deserving candidate for support.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details