A loan helped to buy cattle to increase the size of her herd and develop her business.

Mairam's story

Mairam is a 60-year-old local resident of the Khuroson district who, like many residents of the district, is involved in animal husbandry. Mairam has been running her animal husbandry business for more than 23 years. Mairam has eight grown children who live and work in Russia and send their mother money to provide for her needs. However, animal husbandry is Mairam's primary source of income.

She loves animals and her business very much, and therefore she wants to expand her business and increase the size of her herd. She is requesting a loan for this purpose. The loan will help her improve her family's economic status.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details