A loan helped to buy cattle to pasture.

Deyvi Leonel's story

He is very well known as a very honorable and hardworking person. He works with cattle, and also raises and fattens pigs.

He wishes to invest in the purchase of cattle to pasture, to be able to have more head of cattle, and with that, better production of milk.

His dream is to be able to have a wide range of livestock so that he can earn a good profits. In this way, he can also continue to support his family.

He is grateful to Kiva for the previous support. He hopes it will continue this way, to be able to continue achieving his goals.

June 2024.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It has a below-market interest rate and is repaid at harvest, when farmers can more easily repay.

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