A loan helped a member to buy perfumes and shoes to sell.

Gs Esponjitas Group's story

Xiomara Azucena has been the coordinator of the group “Esponjitas” for the past 11 years. Her business involves selling perfumes, shoes, and toys. She started selling only perfumes, but gradually over time, she incorporated new products to sell. Xiomara Azucena works tirelessly every day because she has a family to support.

Her portion of this loan will be used to buy perfumes and shoes.

In this group: Xiomara Azucena, Jacqueline Xiomara, Noemi Del Carmen, Sandra Jeannette

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It allows financially marginalized people access loans, basic health services and training.

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