A loan helped to buy agricultural supplies and seeds.

Maria Manuela's story

Manuela is a responsible and very hard-working woman who lives with her daughter and grandchildren in a very humble little house made of blocks and zinc [roofing]. Manuela has been a widow for some years. For that reason, the necessities of the household are covered by her daughter and herself, since they share the expenses with the goal of giving her grandchildren the opportunity for a good education.

Manuela raises barley, broad beans, lupini beans, and potatoes. She has done this work for about 20 years, and so she has great experience in selecting the agricultural inputs that are effective for assuring a good production.

Manuela wants to expand her crops. For this reason, she is applying for a loan with which she will buy agricultural supplies and seeds, giving her the opportunity to have crop rotations that will help her with her dream of generating income to obtain a new plot of productive land. In this way, she hopes to continue improving the living conditions of her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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