A loan helped to buy clothing for women, men, and children such as pants, dresses, shoes, shirts, creams, and perfumes.

Rita's story

Rita is 64 years old. She is single. She has 4 children. She lives together with her family in the municipality of Siguatepeqe, Department of Comayagua. She works selling clothes from her home and has done this for 10 years. She always has been a merchant.

She currently is seeking a loan from ODEF for 25,000 lempiras, which she is planning to use to buy clothing for women, men, and children such as pants, dresses, shoes, shirts, creams, and perfumes.

She is thankful for the financial support. She hopes that the loan will serve to increase and have variety in outfits.

Her goal is to expand her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

Loan details

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Loan details