A loan helped to buy second-hand clothing, handicrafts, and sacks of corn.

Emilia Judith's story

Emilia is a mother, who stands out for being a strong fighter to provide for her children. She is very hard-working, which has enabled her to sell second-hand clothes as well as handicrafts. One of her other main sources of income is selling corn.

Furthermore, she wants to invest the loan in purchasing the products she sells, that is, to buy sacks of corn and second-hand clothing, as well as various handicrafts since that is what her customers are looking for quite often.

She dreams of being able to keep providing a good future for her children and helping them get ahead in life in the same manner. She hopes that her business will continue growing and, in this way, acquire more clientele.

She is very grateful to Kiva since it has let her count on its support, and she has successfully carried out her projects with this assistance. Consequently, she hopes it will keep going this way.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Monika Maria Pawlak.

This loan is special because:

It helps first-time women entrepreneurs start their own businesses.

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