A loan helped a member to buy microfranchises of cleaning products.

Divino Niño Jesus Group's story

Divino Niño Jesus is the name of this committee, where each of the members fight tirelessly to be able to offer better living conditions to their families so that they do not lack anything and do not go through [unmet] needs of any kind.

Rosa Mariela is one of the members of the committee, who is dedicated to the production and sale of cleaning supplies that she makes and sells from her home. She accessed this through the microfranchises offered by the foundation [Fundacion Paraguaya] as a business idea for the committee ladies. She is grateful for the opportunity to be part of the group, since, with the help that the foundation offers them, they will be able to have better opportunities and improve themselves and to continue giving the best to their families.

Rosa requests this loan to purchase microfranchises of cleaning products in order to be able to continue with her production and sales, and to be able to meet her customers needs.

In this group: Nilda Wilfrida, Rosa Mariela, Claudia, Lucia, Lucia Virginia, Lorenza, Liliana Enriqueta, Sonia Raquel, Olga Dolly, Rosalia, Monica Raquel, Nancy, Fanny Eugenia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Wuertz.

This loan is special because:

It targets women and youth to expand their businesses.

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Lenders and lending teams

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