A loan helped to buy churros, cookies, sodas, shampoo, sweets, deodorants, etc.

Dora Elizabeth's story

Dora Elizabeth is 54 years old. She is single and has 2 children. She lives with her family in the municipality of San Pedro Sula, Cortes.

Four years ago she started her corner store business. She runs this business from her home. Before starting her business she was a housekeeper. Currently she is requesting a loan to ODEF of 24,000 lempiras. She plans to invest this loan in buying churros, cookies, sodas, shampoo, sweets, deodorants, etc.

This investment will help her to expand the variety of products in her store. Her goal is to grow her business so she can help her family economically.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Caroline Z.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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