A loan helped to buy raw materials for his business, like different types of wood to make furniture.

Luis Antonio's story

Luis Antonio is 52 years old, married, and has 2 children. He lives with his family in the municipality of San Pedro Sula, department of Cortes. For 14 years, he has worked in general woodworking and wood furniture making at his house.

Luis Antonio is now asking for a loan from ODEF in the amount of 35,000 lempiras. He plans on investing them in buying raw materials for his business, like different types of wood to make furniture. This investment will help him to have more income because of the quantity of materials. His dream is to have more financial stability for him and his family members.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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