A loan helped to buy white hens, roosters, sausages and other products.

Carmen Patricia's story

Carmen lives with her daughter and her mother in a family house. She is the head of the household and the only one who supports the needs of her family. From a very young age, Carmen has had to work hard to get ahead; now that she is alone with her daughter, she will not give up and will fight to give her daughter a good life and the education that she could not have.
Carmen has extensive experience in the sale of meat and peeled white hens, which has provided her with a wide portfolio of loyal customers. These clients seek her to cover events such as graduations, marriages and first communions, since they know the quality of the meat of her hens.
Carmen is looking to expand the assortment of her business and, for this reason, she is requesting a loan to buy white hens, roosters, sausages and other products. She hopes to improve the economic situation of her family through her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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