A loan helped to buy mulberry to make more tapas and earn more income.

'Alilia's story

This mother's name is 'Alilia. She is a widow with five grown children. Four of her children have migrated overseas, and only her youngest son lives with her. 'Alilia also provides care for her elderly mother.

She used to spend two days a week making tapas (traditional bark cloth), but since she is caring for her elderly mother, she only chooses one day in a week to make tapas. There are 20 other women who join her in making tapas. They make different types and sizes of tapas, and sell them to local and overseas customers. 'Alilia has applied for this loan hoping to buy mulberry to make more tapas and earn more income.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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