A loan helped to buy fertilizers and hire workers.

Jeyson Javier's story

This gentleman stands out as a very responsible person who has worked in agriculture, specifically growing yucca. He has worked hard to care for his crops.

He wishes to invest in the purchase of fertilizers such as urea, formula 12-24-12, foliar fertilizer and Rimac fertiliser, and hire workers to prepare and plough the land.

His dream is to acquire more experience in this field and increase production to earn more profit.

He is also grateful to Kiva for giving him this opportunity and he hopes it will be mutually beneficial.

June, 2024

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It has a below-market interest rate and is repaid at harvest, when farmers can more easily repay.

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