A loan helped a member to buy fertilizers, insecticides, compost, and other farming supplies.

En Dios Confiamos Group's story

Fátima cultivates basic staple crops. She began working in agriculture at a young age with the help of her parents. They taught her everything about the work that is required to cultivate beans. Fátima now works with the help of her partner.

With the profits that she earned from previous loan cycles, she was able to build a house, but her goal this year is to remodel it. Fátima is requesting a Kiva loan from FUNDENUSE to buy farming supplies. She is a member of the solidarity group “En Dios Confiamos” with Martha and José, who engage in the same business activity.

In this group: Martha, Fátima, José

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers manage their cash flows and provide access to health insurance.

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