A loan helped a member to buy supplies to make various food items and beverages to sell.

Emprendedoras Antequera Poty Group's story

This is a new committee called Emprendedoras Antequera Poty. All of its members share the purpose of working together so they can give their families better opportunities.

One of the members is Gilda. She makes and sells different types of food items as well as beverages. She mentions that her work is modest. She also says that she seeks ways to improve it in order to continue helping to support her household and family thought her business.

She is requesting this loan to buy supplies to make various food items and beverages so she can continue her sales.

The members are grateful for the opportunity to be part of the group, as it helps all of them.

In this group: Laura Beatriz, Antonia Epifania, Maria Elena, Glady Avelina, Lizandra, Maria Adolfina, Patrocinia, Mercedes, Acela, Nelly Adolfina, Beronica, Ana Maria, Juana Beatriz, Gilda, Alexa Romelia

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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Lenders and lending teams

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