A loan helped a member to buy beverages, oil, cleaning products, fruits, vegetables, and other merchandise.

Kuña Guapa Group's story

“Kuña Guapa” is the name of this group. All of its members have set a goal to grow, not only financially, but also as people. They help one another so that they can achieve their common goal of supporting their families.

Mirian Elizabeth is a member of this group. She is known for being a hardworking woman who is very active. Mirian Elizabeth works hard to meet the daily needs of her household. She says that she has a convenience store where she offers all types of products to her customers. Her goal is to improve so that she can generate more income to help her loved ones.

Mirian Elizabeth is requesting a loan to buy beverages, oil, cleaning products, fruits, vegetables, and other merchandise so that she can continue her sales.

In this group: Mirian Elizabeth, Yenny Mabel, Maria Elena, Suni, Sonia Elizabeth, Norma Raquel, Francisca, Liz Marisa, Marineides, Nidia, Luz Maribel, Ageda, Lorenza Beatriz, Elida Eliane, Angela Aparecida, Yessica Paola

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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