A loan helped to buy tables, chairs, menus, and guadua cane.

Lucia Guadalupe's story

Lucía is a hard-working, resilient, and optimistic 39-year-old woman. She lives in the coastal region of Ecuador, has her own home, where she lives with her husband and her children. Her love for cooking drove her to open a restaurant, a business which she has been running for 19 years, and there's never a lack of customers.

She feels the need to give her business a new look and, to do this, she needs the help of a loan that allows her to purchase tables, chairs, menus and guadua cane. This way she will be able to improve her business's image, giving more comfort to her customers.

Lucía is a woman of great ambition. Through her work she aspires to buy a farm to undertake new projects that guarantee the financial growth of her family, so that all four of her children can get an education.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Eduardo Sanz.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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