A loan helped to have a complete check up done on her small bus.

Miriam Amparo's story

Miriam is 53 years old and an honest and hard-working woman. Since her divorce she has had to support her two children on her own, with her source of income, which is transporting students in a small school bus, which she has been driving for six years. She has been able to give her children a good education, the youngest is finishing her medicine degree, and Miriam is very proud and grateful to God and to the Kiva organization, which has allowed her to achieve her goals.

Miriam wishes to continue offering a good quality service to her young customers and take them to their schools and homes. For this reason she is requesting a loan to take her bus to the mechanic, to have a full check up done, using this time during the summer holidays, so that her bus can be at a hundred percent when school restarts. This way her customers can be more comfortable and she can earn more income for her home and her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Eduardo Sanz.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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