A loan helped to buy perfumes, make up, deodorants, colognes, shampoo, among other products.

Maria Mercedes's story

This is María, a 42 year-old woman, originally from the rural community of Maldonado. She left this region in search of a better future for her and her daughters. María's dream is to see her little ones graduate college and have careers, so that their life may be different to the one she had. Due to a lack of resources, she couldn never make her dreams come true.

As soon as she arrived in Tulcán, María exploited her abilities as an esthetician and opened a beauty salon, which, thanks to the Kiva organization, she has slowly been improving. Lately, the competition in the area has increased and she has had to reinvent her business, offering her customers cosmetic and personal hygiene products to generate an extra income for her modest home.

María wishes to continue developing this new source of income, so she is requesting a loan to buy perfumes, make up, deodorants, colognes, shampoo, among other products, hoping to keep her business and her family afloat.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Eduardo Sanz.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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