A loan helped to pay for labor to apply fertilizer and to maintain his coffee crop.

Jose Israel's story

José is 70 years old and he didn't have the opportunity to attend school. He is married and his wife does domestic work. He has 11 children, all of whom no longer depend on him.

José makes a living in agriculture. He learned this work from his father when he was very young, and he currently grows corn, beans, sorghum, coffee, vegetables, etc. His work schedule is from 6am to 12pm.

He needs the support of a loan in order to pay for labor to apply fertilizer and to maintain his coffee crop.

José dreams of having good harvests this year and of always supporting his family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alix F.

This loan is special because:

It enables farmers to plant basic grains to feed their families.

Loan details

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