A loan helped to buy fabrics, thread, needles and raw materials for the business.

Paula Dina's story

Paula Dina is 69 years old, single, has 3 children, and lives with them in the municipality of San Pedro Sula, Department of Cortes. Previously she was a private employee. 10 years ago she decided to start her tailoring business, offering general sewing, alterations and clothing services. Her business is located in a rented location. She is requesting a loan with ODEF for 35,000 Lempiras, since she wants to have a variety of fabrics to increase her sales. She will invest in purchasing fabric, thread, needles and raw materials for the business. This investment will help her have greater business growth and improve the economic stability of her and her family. Her goal is to expand her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Cristina C.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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