A loan helped to pay for land for the cows to graze.

Salvador's story

Salvador is 40 years old and in a common-law marriage with his partner. He has two children and lives with his family in the municipality of San Marcos, department of Santa Barbara. He was previously a day laborer.

For 14 years he has made a living raising dairy cows, work that he does on the land that his house sits on.

He is requesting a loan from ODEF for 10,000 Lempiras in order to pay for land for the cows to graze. With this investment his goal is to have greater production and create a piece of heritage for his family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alix F.

This loan is special because:

It allows smallholder farmers to purchase inputs to improve yields on favorable terms.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details