A loan helped to buy cement, iron, bricks, pipes, toilet set, and other construction materials.

Paula Marina's story

Paula Marina is a 68-year-old married woman with a grown son. Her husband is a farmer. They live in La Sequita parish in Montecristi, a community of hardworking people who persevere to support their families.

Paula Marina is a hardworking woman looking to earn a living and help her husband improve their home. She raises pigs for a living, an honest source of income that provides for her family. However, their home still has many needs, including a lack of adequate toilet facilities. This is why she is applying for this loan. She hopes to build a toilet and a septic tank, as their area lacks a sewage system and running water.

She will use this loan to buy cement, iron, bricks, pipes, toilet sets, and other construction materials.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Michelle Herrera Garcia.

This loan is special because:

It protects families vulnerable to waterborne diseases through improved sanitation and clean water.

Loan details

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