A loan helped to buy cement, bricks, metal, pipes and other materials needed to build their water tank.

Ramona Dioselina's story

Ramona Dioselina is 37 years old, married and has 3 daughters (13, 16 and 17 years old). Her husband is a farmer and they live in La Sequita in the Montecristi canton. The people there are hardworking and do what is necessary to provide for their families.

She is a hardworking woman who is looking for a way to earn an income and help her husband to improve their home. She works raising chickens, which allows her to earn an honest living. However, their house still lacks basic necessities. They have no drinking water and have to buy it in tanks from tankers that visit their location. However, sometimes they run out of water and cannot order a small amount as it works out very expensive. Therefore, they need a loan so they can build a storage tank and thus be able to buy more water until the tanker visits their location again. This way, they will not be in need of this liquid so essential for life.

This loan is to buy cement, bricks, metal, pipes and other materials needed to build their water tank.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emma Phillips.

This loan is special because:

It protects families vulnerable to waterborne diseases through improved sanitation and clean water.

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