A loan helped to purchase sewing machines to expand her activities as a trainer.

Chamilai's story

This is Chamilai. She is 24 years old and lives with her husband and 2 children in Tursun-zoda. Currently, her husband works in the Russian Federation.

Chamilai works as a seamstress. She accepts orders for cutting and sewing national dresses. She has been working in this field for 6 years.

Now she wants to try teaching students. This is something new for her. But without your support she will not be able to carry out her plans. With the loan, she is planning to buy sewing machines and begin training students.

She hopes for your support and expresses gratitude in advance for your understanding

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liubov Parsons.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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