A loan helped to buy fertilizers and pesticides to increase his crop yields, as well as pay for labor.

Augustine's story

Augustine is a 66-year-old Ugandan man who is married and has four children, three of whom are in school. He lives in the village of Nsozi. Augustine is a committed farmer who grows maize and beans. He also manages a retail shop. Through his work, Augustine has been able to cover some of his family’s basic needs such as school fees, food, and medical care.

At the moment, he faces challenges such as pests, diseases, and soil depletion. For this reason, he is requesting a loan to pay for labor to help with weeding and harvesting, as well as buy fertilizers and pesticides.

UGAFODE has granted a loan of 12,000,000 UGX to Augustine so that he can increase his yields and provide for the basic needs of his family.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers to increase productivity and their income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details