A loan helped to buy food to open her store and start a new business.

Zainura's story

Zainura is a calm and responsible woman. She is 42 years old, a wonderful wife and a mother of three children, the daughters are schoolgirls.

Zainura has a secondary education. Her husband works in the Russian Federation and provides for their family. Before leaving for the Russian Federation, Zainura’s husband worked in the trade sector. He owned a grocery store where he worked and provided for the family. The children are growing up, and her husband is worried about their future and education. The store was closed, and he left to work in Russia.

A year later, Zainura has decided to resume her husband’s business on her own and help him provide for their family. Unfortunately, she does not have the initial capital and is turning to you for help.

With the loan, Zainura is planning to purchase goods for her store and start her business. Zainura believes that Kiva's lenders will support her as she embarks on her entrepreneurial journey and is grateful for their understanding.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Liubov Parsons.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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