A loan helped to buy raw materials for her kiekie business, and pay for her children's mid-exam fees.

Pelenaise's story

Pelenaise is a mother to her five children. Her husband works as a farmer, and they live in their own home, which is a two-bedroom house. The girls get to stay with the parents in the house, while the boys have their own hut outside. It is Pelenaise's dream to build a bigger house for her family to fit in.

Pelenaise runs a kiekie-making business, where she use nature's resources such as coconut materials, hibiscus and sea shells. Some of her kiekie is exported overseas while some are sold at the local market. The loan not only supports her business, but it also covers her family's needs, like her children's educational needs. With this loan, Pelenaise is able to buy raw materials for her business and also pay for her children's mid-exam fees.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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