A loan helped a member to purchase a variety of garments to sell.

Belen Group's story

Belen is the name of this committee, which is in its 6th cycle of the women's committee program. Here, the women all help each other to have a better quality of life, so that their loved ones may have what they need and not suffer from want. They are also in the committee for the elimination of poverty.

One of these is Gloria Beatriz, who dedicates herself to selling clothing of all kinds. She says that she has a modest business where she offers her customers all types of garments, and in this way is able to generate an income to give her loved ones better living conditions. She is happy for the opportunity to be part of the group, since it represents support not just for her but for her companions, so that together they can all achieve their goals.

She is requesting this loan to buy items of clothing in bulk, to stock the business and continue her sales.

Note: the children in this photograph belong to the members of the group applying for this loan.

In this group: Maria Soledad, Silvia Mercedes, Doraliz, Cinthia Noelia, Basiliza Carmen, Cinthia Carolina, Teodora, Jorgelina, Nelly Rosalba, Griselda, Maria Luisa, Yenni Paola, Maria Noelia, Yolanda Del Pilar, Gloria Beatriz, Analiz, Liz Mariela, Elva Rosana, Maria Dominga, Daihana Soledad, Liz Paola, Jhoana Sebastiana, Ramona Estefania, Nilsa Raquel, Mirna Celestina, Sammy Magali

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Violeta.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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Lenders and lending teams

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