A loan helped a member to buy assorted cosmetics to sell.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

"Mujeres Unidas" is the name of this committee because that is what they are: united women who help each other to give their families better living conditions. They also are included in the program for the elimination of poverty.

One of them is Zunilda Beatriz who works selling all types of cosmetics. She says that her work is modest but it permits her to be able to help her family. She defines herself as a determined person who, despite daily difficulties, seeks the way to improve and give her loved ones better living conditions, so that they do not face need nor privation.

She requests this loan to buy assorted cosmetics to be able to continue with her sales and to fill customer orders. In this way she will be able to continue working.

In this group: Miguela, Hipolita, Josefa, Yessica Fabiola, Maria Liliana, Rosana Noemi, Maria Griselda, Liz Mariela, Diana Patricia, Dalma Roselyn, Loren Noelia, Bertilda Rita, Marisol, Librada, Zully Emilce, Olga, Norma Alice, Lida, Zunilda Beatriz

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

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