A loan helped to buy raw materials for her handicrafts business.

'Anaseini's story

'Anaseini uses nature's resources to make a living. She is a 64-year-old widow who has been running this sort of business for decades now. She use coconuts and other materials, including sea shells, to create artificial arts that capture the attention of tourists and the overseas market.

Shown in her photo is the type of products she produces. Her daughter is her only helper. Not only does this earn income for her, but 'Anaseini also enjoys running her business as an exercise for her. She joined the loan program to find financial support for her business. With this loan, she is able to buy raw materials for her handicraft.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details