A loan helped to buy bread, meat, sausages, fruits, milk, and other groceries for preparing the food.

Bryan David's story

Bryan David is 18 years old, single, studying graphic design at a centre of studies in the city, and lives with his parents in Portoviejo, a city known as the City of Royal Tamarinds due to the abundance of tamarind trees.

He is a hardworking young man who strives to earn his own income. With this income, he not only covers his educational expenses but also helps his family progress. He makes a living by preparing and selling fast food. He has a small establishment at his home where he prepares and sells burgers, hot dogs, toasties, french fries, juices, fruit shakes, and other delicious foods every afternoon and evening.

This loan is to buy bread, meat, sausages, fruits, milk, and other groceries for preparing the food.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gladys R.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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