A loan helped to buy pyjamas, spandex items, shorts, tops, jeans, outfits for boys and girls etc.

Shirley Daniela's story

Shirley Daniela and her family live in Montecristi famous for its crafts made from straw, rattan, fibre, and wood. The wonderful straw hats are known within the country and throughout the world as Panama hats.

Shirley Daniela is a university student and in order to have an income and help her parents with a share of household expenses she sells a wide variety of clothing for men, women and children. She makes sales in people's homes in her free time, and also sells through WhatsApp and social media. She makes deliveries to homes within the town where she leaves the items on credit and collects payments weekly.

This loan will be used to buy pyjamas, spandex items, shorts, tops, jeans, outfits for boys and girls etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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