A loan helped to buy shirts, jeans, dresses, shorts, t-shirts, eyeliners, lipstick, eye shadow, foundation, tanning pearls, chains, watches.

Zoila Alexandra's story

Zoila Alexandra and her family live in Montecristi. It stands out for its handicrafts made from toquilla straw, wicker, piquigua grass, and wood; fine hats made of toquilla straw, known throughout the world as the Panama Hat and recognized throughout the country and outside of it.

Zoila Alexandra is very thankful for the loas with which her sales have increased. She sells a variety of products, make-up, handicrafts, women's clothing, jewelry, purified water for water filters.

She works every day selling. She sells by visiting her customers at home, through WhatsApp, with deliveries within the city limits. She gives her customers credit and collects weekly.

This loan is to buy shirts, jeans, dresses, shirts, t-shirts, eyeliners, lipstick, eyeshadow, liquid foundation, tanning pearls, chains, watches, rings, water filters, etc.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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