A loan helped to buy water drums, gas cylinders and underwear.

Carmen Del Pilar's story

Carmen Del Pilar is 62 years old, married, has 3 adult children, her husband is a merchant. They live in Manta, a charming city for its exquisite gastronomy, beautiful beaches and tourist attractions.
Carmen is a woman who is characterized by being sociable, charismatic and above all very hardworking, who looks for a way to be able to meet her household expenses. That is why a few years ago she decided to start her own business selling water cans, gas cylinders and also underwear. Carmen is very grateful for the help she receives, because in this way she can continue to improve her business. This loan will be invested in water drums, gas cylinders and underwear.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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