A loan helped to stock up on groceries, disposable items, kitchen utensils, and to maintain her food cart.

Susana Yadira's story

Susana Yadira is 46 years old, married, and has three adult children. Her husband works for the private sector. They live in Manta, a charming city known for its exquisite cuisine, beautiful beaches, and tourism.

Susana is a very responsible and hardworking woman who strives daily to earn her own income and get ahead in life. With the help of her children, she sells delicious snacks from a food cart, which allows her to work every night and generate the necessary income to get ahead.

Susana is very grateful for the support she receives through loans, as this enables her to work and improve her earnings.

This loan is to stock up on groceries, disposable items, kitchen utensils, and to maintain her food cart.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gladys R.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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