A loan helped to buy garments including blouses, dresses, sleeping suits and trousers among other items.

Shuasny Daniela's story

Shuasny Daniela and her family live in Manta, a place known for its beautiful beaches that bathe the coasts of this beautiful place.

Shuasny is a woman who works daily to get ahead despite the adversities that the world is going through, but even so, she does not let herself be defeated and continues with her business which she started 5 years ago, selling clothing in general. She makes her sales from home, allowing her to generate a profit to cover certain expenses.

For Shuasny, this loan is very helpful because she can continue with her business. This loan will be invested in a variety of garments such as blouses, dresses, sleeping suits and trousers among other items.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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