A loan helped to buy pet food, collars, dishes, clothing, and other accessories for pets.

Janun Britney's story

Janun Britney is 23 years old, single, and lives in her parents' house in the Santa Ana region, a place with beautiful tourist attractions known for its beautiful landscapes and for its lovely fresh water spas, which are visited by many tourists through all seasons of the year.
She is a hardworking young person who seeks a way to earn her resources and in this way cover her expenses and also help her parents with the household expenses.
She has a store in her house and there she sells pet food, clothing, and accessories. She works every day always providing the best service to her customers who come to her store each day to buy the products that she sells.
This loan is to buy pet food, collars, dishes, clothing, and other accessories for pets.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catherine Dyck.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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