A loan helped to purchase juices, colas, beers among other things.

Gipson Jimar's story

Gipson Jimar is single, 21 years old, and lives with his parents in the community of Jaramijo, a very charming place because of its beautiful beaches.

Gipson is an entrepreneurial person who has always dedicated himself to businesses in order to remain financially solvent. For 2 years he has had a retail beverage business that generates income to help his parents at home. Gipson has spent time working to be able to improve his family's well-being. As a result, he is currently requesting a loan to stock up on juices, colas, beers, among others and continue improving his work activity.

This loan will be invested in the purchase of juices, colas, beers, among others.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Wuertz.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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