Mercedes Magdalena is 57 years old. She is married and has 5 grown-up children. Her husband is a fisherman. They live in the Jaramijo canton, a charming place with beautiful beaches.
Mercedes is a woman who likes to work every day in order to contribute to household expenses. This is why she decided five years ago to make a living selling water containers, ice lollies, clothing, sheets, beauty products, cosmetics, perfume and women's accessories.
In her spare time, she passes through different neighbourhoods offering products so that her customers can buy any of her items. This loan will help Mercedes a great deal, given that she will be able to stock up on new products.
She will use this loan to buy water containers, ice lollies, clothing, sheets, cosmetics, perfume, women's accessories and other items.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elaine Berry de Pulido. View original language description.