A loan helped to purchase beauty products, cosmetics, perfume, women's accessories, and other products.

Mirian Guadalupe's story

Mirian Guadalupe is 46 years old. She is married and her husband is a driver. She has three adult children. They live in the Jaramijo canton, a very charming place known for its beautiful beaches.

Mirian began selling Belcorp products five years ago in order to contribute to the household income. Belcorp products are specifically beauty products, cosmetics, perfume, and accessories for women. Mirian travels through various neighborhoods, offering products for purchase. For her, this credit will help her a lot to stock up on new products.

She will use this credit to purchase beauty products, cosmetics, perfume, women's accessories, and other products.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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Lenders and lending teams

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