A loan helped to purchase drinks, groceries, cleaning products, and other items.

Nayelly Adriana's story

Nayelly Adriana is 23 years old. She is a single mother, with two children, ages five and three. They live in a relative's house in the Jaramijo canton, a very charming place known for its beautiful beaches.

Nayelly started a small home-based store three years ago in order to earn income and to be able to meet certain household expenses. The store offers varieties of products such as rice, sugar, personal hygiene items, and other products to meet the needs of her clients. This credit is very helpful because she will be able to continue with her business.

The credit will be invested in the purchase of drinks, groceries, cleaning products, and other items.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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Lenders and lending teams

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