A loan helped a member to purchase and sell fruits and vegetables.

Ak Yaye Group's story

This group was created on September 11th, 2013. It is made up of women who trade in fruits and vegetables and who reside in the same locality. Diarra, with her hand raised in the photo, is the group's representative. She is a married, 36-year-old mother of five children, two of whom are boys. She sells vegetables in the surrounding markets. She uses all her credit to purchase fruits and vegetables in the town markets. She then resells them in the surrounding weekly markets. She has proven experience in this field. With the revenue from her loan she intends on strengthening her business and using the rest to cover her family's expenses.

In this group: Diarra, Saye

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Emmet McGeown.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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