A loan helped to buy fertilizer and insecticides for the crops and chickens and feed so that they grow well.

Ingrid Elizabeth's story

Ingrid Elizabeth and her family live in Santa Ana. It is a place with beautiful countryside landscapes and freshwater bathing spots, and people who are working hard to support their families.

She is a hard-working woman who is looking to earn her own money and to help her husband get her household ahead. She manages to do so with the help of the loans, and she is very grateful for them. She requests that you continue helping.

They have a farm where they grow bananas and cocoa, which they harvest and sell to the wholesale market or to cocoa exporters. Also, she raises chickens at her house. When they are an adequate weight she sells them to merchants or to her neighbors.

This loan is to buy fertilizer, insecticides for the crops, as well as chickens and feed, to enable their healthy development.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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