A loan helped to buy fertilisers, insecticides, feed and medicine for the chickens.

Rosa Francisca's story

Rosa Francisca and her family live in Santa Ana, a place with beautiful countryside landscapes, freshwater spas and hard-working people, who strive to provide for their families.

Rosa is a hard-working woman who, together with her husband, searches for a way to get ahead, which she is managing to do through the support of the loans and for which, she is very grateful and asks for continued support.

They have a farm, where they grow plantains and bananas which they sell in the local market after harvesting them.

Rosa also raises chickens at home to sell to merchants or neighbours, who always buy from her.

This loan is to buy fertilisers, insecticides, feed and medicine for the chickens.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elaine Berry de Pulido.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

Loan details

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