A loan helped to purchase groceries, personal hygiene products and cleaning products.

Nila Elisabeth's story

Nila Elisabeth is 42 years old. She lives with her partner and has three grown children and sixteen-year old. Nila's husband is a baker. They live in Manta. Manta is a beautiful city known for the beautiful beaches that bathe its coasts.

Nila is an enterprising woman who works hard each day to earn her own income through dignified and honest work. She currently has a small stop that she runs out of a rented sales space, which allows her to sell a variety of products to meet her customer demand.

Nila wants to expand her shop, which is why she is requesting a new loan. She will use it to improve her sales, which will earn her a better profit with which to support her family. She will use this loan to purchase groceries, personal hygiene products and cleaning products.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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