A loan helped to purchase sheets, towels, beauty products and Boom products.

Gladys Magdalena's story

Gladys Magdalena is 61 years old. She is married and has two grown children. Gladys's husband is a welder. They live in a family member's home in Manta. Monta is a beautiful city known for the beautiful beaches that bathe its costs.

Gladys is a woman who, for the benefit of her family, keeps moving forward in spite of the adversities she faces. That is why, a few years ago, she started a business selling sheets, towels, beauty products and Boom products. Boom products are degreasing cleansers, air fresheners, dishwashing liquids, bleach and other items. Gladys makes her sales from her home, as this is the way she knows to earn a living.

This loan will be invested in purchasing sheets, towels, beauty products and Boom products.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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