A loan helped to purchase supplies, disposable goods, beverages and other items.

Diana Rocio's story

Diana Rocio is forty years old. She is married and has three children, who are twenty-three, fifteen and twelve years old. Her husband is a laborer. They live in a family member's home in Manta. Manta is known for the beautiful beaches that bathe the coasts of this beautiful place.

Diana is a very hard-working woman who puts for the effort every day to get herself and her family ahead. That is why seven months ago she and a sister of hers decided to start a small business out of their home. Every afternoon they dedicate themselves to selling delicious hamburgers and drinks. In this way, they are able to generate an income that helps with certain household expenses.

This loan is a great help for Diana because it will allow her to grow her business. The loan will be used to purchase supplies, disposable goods, beverages and other items.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marni Siegal.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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