A loan helped to buy rice, sugar, oil, detergents, and many other products to stock her store.

Damaris Scarlett's story

Damaris Scarlett is 19 years old. She is single and is studying business administration in a local university. She lives in her parents' home in Portoviejo, a place of beautiful country landscapes, beaches, and a rich and varied gastronomy, which are a big attraction for those who visit this beautiful city.
She is a hardworking young person who seeks a way to generate her resources and with these cover the expenses for her education and help her parents with the household expenses. She has a store in her house together with her family. There they sell rice, sugar, detergent, tuna, beef, chicken, vegetables, and fruit, among other products, which are able to satisfy the needs of their customers. They work everyday offering the best service to their customers.
This loan is to buy rice, sugar, oil, detergents, and many other products to stock her store.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catherine Dyck.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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